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GUMTREE WALKS by Jaime Enion

Original artwork by Jaime Enion

Title: Gumtree Walks

Acrylic on canvas

Dimensions: 91cm x 121cm

Finish: Ready to hang.  Finished with an oak floating frame.


An emerging Melbourne based Artist, Jaime has settled back here after living in both Canada and the UK for several years, to raise her young sons with her partner and pursue her passion of painting.

My works aren’t created from studies, but more so they develop organically.They can be influenced by my mood or the weather, a memory or a taste.I take joy in hearing how another person is experiencing my art and the different feelings each one evokes.’  Jaime Enion



See also

EMERALD MEETS MAGENTA Aliki K Original Artwork

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Sold out

ADORE by Jaime Enion

Original artwork by Jaime Enion Title: Adore Acrylic on canvas Dimensions: 91cm x 91cm Finish: Ready to hang.  Finished with an oak floating...


COLOUR ME HAPPY by Jaime Enion

Original artwork by Jaime Enion Title: Colour Me Happy Acrylic / ink on canvas Dimensions: 91cm x 91cm Finish: Ready to hang.  Finished with...


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